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De Public Space Foundation steunt sinds de oprichting in 1999 op een groot netwerk van invloedrijke bestuurders, ondernemers, wetenschappers en opinieleiders. Uit dit denknetwerk komen ideeën naar voren, het is een klankbord dat helpt om ideeën verder uit te werken en te toetsen. Ook helpen leden van het netwerk mee deze uit te dragen.
Rond een vaste kern is er een schil van zo’n 160 denkers, zoals hoogleraren, opinion leaders, bestuurders en journalisten, die we raadplegen als het gaat om specifieke expertise en soms ook uitnodigen voor debatten die Public Space zelf entameert.

Om een indruk te geven van personen die een bijdrage hebben geleverd en het doel van de Public Space Foundation steunen:

Renée Bergkamp

Renée M. Bergkamp (1959) is Provincial secretary and managing director of the province of Noord-Holland. She previously served as:

  • Director-General of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs with Innovation and Entrepreneurship as her special mission.
  • Director of the Association van Waterbedrijven in Nederland (Vewin)
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the Animal Science Group (Wageningen University and Research)
  • Former director-general at the ministry of Agriculture and Fishery and before that director of Immigration policy, Ministry of Justice.
  • Member of the Ambassador network 2003 (Aim: towards visible female leadership).

The complex issues our society is facing in this era demands the thinking and acting force of government, societal organizations and private enterprise. The Thinktank Public Space combines those different domains and offers an inspiring environment to exchange experiences and insights. In that exchange I’d like to contribute the experiences of the government, more precisely our experiences with the complexity and the stamina of policy implementation.

Arthur Docters van Leeuwen

Arthur W.H. Docters van Leeuwen (1945) is senior research fellow at the Dutch school of public administration and member of several non executive boards, eg insurance company Aegon and social housing organization Rochdale. He is chairman of the Holland Financial Centre and member of the board of Oilinvest. He previously served as:

  • Chairman of the advisory board of the Royal Theatre at The Hague (Koninklijke schouwburg Den Haag).
  • First Chairman of the Board of Holland Financial Centre, a public private initiative to promote the Netherlands as a global financial centre.
  • Chief of the Board of Procurators General at the Public Prosecution Service of the Netherlands.
  • Chief of the National Security Service (now called the General Intelligence and Security Service or AIVD).
  • Chairman of the Board of the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets.

Aart Jan de Geus

Aart Jan de Geus (1955) is chairman and chief executive officer of the Bertelsmann Stiftung. He is responsible for projects relating to Europe, democracy and sustainable economies as well as international megatrends and partnerships. He previously served as:

  • Deputy secretary-general of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
  • Minister for social affairs and employment for the Christen Democratic Party (CDA) in the cabinets Balkenende I,II and III.

Gertjan Lankhorst

Gertjan Lankhorst (1957) is Director of the New Energy Coalition and chairman of VEMW, the interest and knowledge center for non-domestic energy and water consumers in the Netherlands. He previously served as:

  • Chairman of the supervisory Board of the Hanzehogeschool Groningen
  • CEO of GasTerra B.V
  • Director of Oil and Gaz at the Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Director-general of Energy at the Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Director of Competition Policy at the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Execution of public tasks by private companies is still one of the most interesting and promising areas of government policy. Unfortunately the debate is too often dominated by ideological positions. I see the ThinkTank Public Space as an effort to overcome those positions and to find out what can really contribute to a better performance of the public sector.

Sandra Lutchman

Sandra S. Lutchman (1957) is an unconventional thought leader and advisor in the field of diversity and inclusion. She is Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Esprit Schools Amsterdam, Member of the Supervisory Board of the Hague University of Applied Sciences and Member of the Advisory Board European Women on Boards in Brussel. She previously served as:

  • Director of the Foundation Talent naar de top
  • Member of the Supervisory Board and Chair of the Advisory Committee European Women on Boards
  • Member of the Advisory Board of Amnesty International (London)
  • Member of the Advisory Board of Oxfam Novib
  • Director of Common Purpose Nederland.

In order to meet the current and future challenges there is a need for guts, vision and a common purpose. Leaders should be able to work with partners from a wide range of sectors, because the challenges at hand can’t be effectively dealt with from within one sector or one point of view.

The bringing together of thinkers and doers from a diversity of sectors, who are willing and able to examine the challenges which face civil society and which of those can be dealt with most effectively by public-private partnerships, can lead to more creativity than could be reached by a (more) homogeneous group. Therefore the Think Tank Public Space can position itself as a much needed outside driver of change, which can lead to the development of new visions and policies. Furthermore, the necessary will and acting power can be stimulated, also within one’s own organizations and networks. Through these networks the work and results of the Think Tank can be further disseminated.

Ferdinand Mertens

Ferdinand J.H. Mertens (1967) is publicist and Supervisory consultant. Het was a former Board Member of the Dutch Safety Council with special responsibilities for Aviation, Chemical Industry and Health System. He was Dean of the Netherlands School for Public Administration (NSOB) and professor in Public Government – especially Regulation and Oversight – at the Technical University Delft. He also previously served as:

  • Director-General at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCenW)
  • Member of the National Commission on Statistics (CBS)
  • Inspector General at the Ministry of Trafic and Water Management.

Ralph Pans

Ralph J.J.M. Pans (1952) is Chairman of the Board of Directors at VNG-Association Netherlands Netherlands Municipalities (Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten, VNG). He previously served as:

  • Mayor of Zaanstad, Rosmalen and Almere
  • Vice-president of the Town district of ‘s-Hertogenbosch
  • Secretary-general of the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management of the Netherlands.

Societal problems which are on the cutting edge between public and private sectors and parties, like healthcare, education, housing and culture, touch people in their heart. At the same time they create the biggest challenges for thinkers and doers. In my whole career I always worked in various positions for the public cause and in Public Space I found a fascinating ThinkTank in which we, coming from very diverse positions, can all study innovative solutions for these difficult and important topics.

Martin van Rijn

Martin J. van Rijn (1956) is Chairman of the Executive Board of the Reinier Haga Group. He previously served as:

  • Director-general on Health Care at the ministry of Healthcare, Wellbeing and Sport, specifically leading the transition on liberalization of health insurance
  • CEO of PGGM, a pensionfund in healthcare
  • Member of several non-executive boards in not for profit organizations
  • Member of the Board of De Baak, Management centre for industry and NSOB, Management centre for public administration.

The issues of modern society are all about seeking a balance between increasing individual and collective responsibility. This balance changes continuously due to demographic, economic, technical and social-cultural developments. One-dimension-approaches don’t work anymore. It proves complicated in practice to realize a working combination of knowledge, skills and experience of government, industry, civil society and science. The Public Space ThinkTank offers a unique platform to bring all these disciplines together and has proven this combination can work. I find it a challenge to explore on this platform with an open mind and neutral of vested interests, new solutions outside of the normal mindset.

René Scherpenisse

René Scherpenisse (1961) is Director of Tiwos. He is a social entrepreneur and consultant in social housing issues. He previously served as:

  • Founder and Director of Mooi!, an initiative of Atrivé consultancy
  • Chairman of the board of Portaal, one of the largest social housing companies in the Netherlands
  • Director of the Foundation for Experiments in social housing (SEV), a national innovation organization.

The next few years is all about putting the civic enterprise en social entrepreneurship to the test and learning by doing in the public domain. For me the ThinkTank of Public Space is a very good and well focused way to contribute to this goal.

Willem van der Schoot

Willem P.M. van der Schoot is a non executive board member of several cultural institutes, including Chairman of the Business Club of the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. He previously served as:

  • President of the Executive Board of Nijenrode University, the only purely privately funded university in the Netherlands
  • Member of the Board of Executives of the Robeco Group
  • Director-general of the ABN / AMRO bank
  • Chairman of the Board of Boer & Croon Strategy and Management Group.

Harry Starren

Drs. Harry G. Starren (1955) is Dean of the Nederlandse School and Chairman of the Federation of Dutch Creative Industries. He previously served as:

  • Chairman of the Executive Board of De Baak, Management Center of the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (VNO-NCW).
  • Beside his management function he is active as a coach, lecturer and consultant, particularly in the field of the management of professional organizations. He is on the supervisory board of two companies, was announcer of the TV program “Grootmeesters (Masters) in Management” and wrote several books on management.

The public domain is in the interest of us all and so rightly deserves the attention of all people having special responsibility in and for society. The ThinkTank offers me the opportunity to meet other people than I normally work with and for in my daily reality. In those unthought-of and unexepected encounters lingers the chance on innovation and the possibility of break throughs in our thinking.

Ed van Thijn

Ed van Thijn (1934) is former Mayor of Amsterdam, former Minister for Internal Affairs; Former Member of the House of Representatives of the Dutch Parliament (Tweede Kamer) and is former Member of the Senate of the Dutch Parliament (Eerste Kamer). He previously served as:

  • Member of the Council for Journalistic Conduct
  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Netherlands Refugee Foundation.
  • Professor at the Amsterdam University and the University of Leiden.
  • Member of the Board of Executives of the European Monitoring Centre for Racism and Xenophobia.
  • Member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Public Space is thinking in a creative and innovative way about the tangent plane between market and government. This is much more than just an in-between, it is the core of modern society. This cornerstone is most of the time overlooked by those digital thinkers (and mainly doers) who interpret society by using polarisations like government vs. market, public vs. private, etc. They are missing the whole point, for example the upcoming civil society.

Rob van Tulder

Prof. dr. Rob van Tulder (1957) is Professor of International Business – Society Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, he is a Member of Worldconnectors and Academic Director and Founder of the Partnerships Resource Centre. He previously served as:

  • Co-Founder of the department Business- Society at RSM
  • Coördinator of the ERASM research project “Internationalization and Competitive Space”
  • Consultant for the International Metalworkers’ Federation, the European Parliament, the Commission of the European Communities, the OECD, The World Bank, the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Technical Institute TNO and the Dutch Organization for Technology Assessment (NOTA).

The rise of an international ‘bargaining society’ – in which increasingly all citizens negotiate over the design and future of society – has resulted in a sizable institutional void: an area in which old societal arrangements are not valid any more and new arrangements have to be created. Semi-public and semi-private rules of the game are experimented with, but their effectiveness is strongly disputed. “Public Space” runs the risk of becoming a “public void” – a big societal desert in which primarily the strongest and/or the smartest thrive.

My participation in the ThinkTank of the Public Space Foundation is triggered by my desire to help fill this public void and develop productive and innovative alternatives. In my opinion this entails in particular a rejuvenation of the European model of a social market economy. This model provides the best opportunities to deal in a concise manner with pressing global issues like global warming, income disparity, poverty and health – all prime problems of redistribution. Neither the North-American nor the rising Asian model present adequate approaches. If Europe in general and the Netherlands in specific want to create a viable alternative, it should also provide the breading ground for the development of new visions on the basis of experiments in which all relevant stakeholders participate.

Jos Werner

Drs. F.J.M. Jos Werner (1943) is Vice-Chairman of the KNVG, the Koepel van Nederlandse Verenigingen van Gepensioneerden. He previously served as:

  • Chairman of a parliamentary party of the Senate of the Dutch Parliament (Eerste Kamer)
  • Chairman of the Dutch Foundation for Brain Research (Hersenstichting).
  • Member of the supervisory board of Cordis
  • Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Dutch Foundation for Brain Research (Hersenstichting)
  • Vice-chairman of the Board of the Amsterdam University Medical Center (AMC)
  • Crown-appointed Member of the Health Insurance Funds Council
  • Chairman of the board of executives of the Radboud University Medical Center (RadboudUmc).

Maatschappelijke organisaties in het netwerk van Public Space

Denktanks waarmee we nauw contact hebben:

  • Prospekt: een vooral virtuele kring van jonge denkers
  • De Publieke Zaak: een maatschappelijk initiatief van Mickey Huijbregtsen (ex-McKinsey) gericht op actief burgerschap en sociale vernieuwing.

Belangrijke mediapartners:

Andere partners waarmee we regelmatig samenwerken:

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