4 evenementen gevonden.
permanent public grandstand
The #DigitalCivilRevolution and #CivilLeadership as the only answer – Public Sector Executives Helsinki
The need for new public leadership to 'harness' the disruptive power of citizens.
Roundtable at ILA (International Leadership Association) Virtual Global Conference 2020
Steven de Waal about "The Battle for New Leadership: Rhetorical Skills Versus Character and Values?"
Presentation at ILA (International Leadership Association) Global Conference 2021 in Geneva
Geneva , ZwitserlandLecture by Steven de Waal about Public Leadership in the Digital Media Landscape
Strategie en Moraliteit/Waarden en dus ‘civil leadership’ – Module in Erly Public Academy leergang
De Digital Civil Revolution leidt tot een fundamenteel andere publieke arena en dus andere strategie en publiek leiderschap