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Lecturing and visiting thinktanks in Finland – video

The power of citizens and thinktanks

Steven de Waal was invited to lecture about his latest book ‘Civil Leadership as the Future of Leadership’ in Helsinki, Finland. [Read more below video]

This was especially fitting because shortly before that he lectured in San Francisco and there of course visited Silicon Valley, which is at the basis of the new disruptive power of citizens, he describes in this book.

Finland and especially Helsinki now aim at becoming the ‘Silicon Valley of Europe’ so he visited some of the places where they try to realize that ambition. He was invited to lecture at the yearly conference of the European Healthcare Management Association (EHMA).

Of course he also lectured at some private thinktanks, as colleagues of the Public Space Foundation. He was again impressed by their independent, innovative thinking and the debates and research that are done there, as is also the case with Public Space. This again strengthened his view that especially the independence from political or commercial interests makes the work and contribution of private thinktanks essential for taking the right measures at the right time and develop a more strategic view on public sector and civilian issues.

As always, he had an inspiring visit to Finland!

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