health care
Maatschappelijk ondernemerschap
De sterke en zwakke kanten van het Integraal Zorg Akkoord
Al ruim 1,5 maand loopt in het Public Space Denknetwerk een discussie over ‘Naa
- Maatschappelijk leiderschap
Maatschappelijk ondernemerschap
Post-Corona: Bestuurlijke Herijking Nederlandse Gezondheidszorg
Eerste real life debat bestuurlijke top
Disruptief burgerschap
Digitalization as the Burning Platform of Health Care
Closing remarks of an executive conference
digital civil revolution
Lecture at EHMA (European Health Management Association) in Finland: Disruptive Patients and New Leadership in Health Care
Steven de Waal will lecture about his latest book: ‘Civil Leadership as the Future of
Lecture at Industryforum Healthcare – Sweden
'Co-working with the disruptive patient to improve healthcare'
IndustryForum Healthcare ‘Power of patients and impact on leadership’ Munich
Lecture about how patients now have a direct channel for communication
disruptive citizenship
Lecture ‘Disruption of Healthcare: Power of patients and impact on leadership‘
The same technological revolution that caused disruption in the markets will affect t
Disruptief burgerschap
The Impact of Disruptive Citizens on Healthcare
In parallel with the ongoing disruption in the market, I pioneered the concept of